Stop Smoking


Quit Smoking-11 Simple Tricks

Over the years I've found many simple tricks to help those who want to quit smoking.  At the end of the day, it is up to you to stop and only you can keep yourself from  having another cigarette, but there are some things you can do that can help ease the transition from nicotine junky to well adjusted non smoker.
Below are 11 simple tricks that can help you in the early days of quitting smoking.

CRANBERRY JUICE -    If you did nothing at all your body would be rid of nicotine in 72 hours but drinking cranberry juice can accelerate the amount of time it takes to remove the nicotine from your body.  Try to find a sugar free organic cranberry juice.Helps flush the nicotine out of your system.
WHITE WINE VINEGAR - This really cleans your mouth and gives you a fresh, clean feeling.  One of the challenges you face when you quit is that taste in your mouth that tells you that you want a cigarette.  Try a little white wine vinegar the next time.Swish some white wine vinegar around in your mouth several times a day for as long as you can tolerate. 
NIACIN - Don't overdue it with this vitamin, but there is some evidence that niacin helps to flush out the nicotine in your body.  Again your goal the first couple days is to rid yourself of nicotine as quickly as possible.  I would not recommend taking excessive doses of niacin for an extended period but it can be very helpful the first few days.
CLEAN YOUR MOUTH -I found this combination to help really deter me from wanting a cigarette.  After swishing some White wine vinegar in my mouth, I would brush my teeth with a little hydrogen peroxide to wet my toothbrush, then toothpaste with a little baking powder on top.  Not sure what it is with this mixture  but it really made me not want a cigarette after.
BAKING SODA - Some people have sworn by the powers of baking soda to quit smoking.  What an amazing product,not only is it a cooking aid, it helps deodorize your refrigerator and now even helps quit smoking.  Try mixing a small amount in a glass of water or just placing a dab on your tongue when you have an urge to smoke.  There  is something about the alkalinity of the substance that helps fight nicotine craves.  Again, I would not recommend using on a long term basis.
VITAMIN C -When you smoke you rapidly deplete vitamin C in your body.  In fact, if you have smoked continuously you probably have not had enough vitamin C for some time.  Take a supplement daily to replenish this much needed nutrient.
OLD CIGARETTES - Don't keep any cigarettes that can still be smoked, but rather keep a container with water and some of your old discarded cigarettes.  If  you ever have an urge for a cigarette, open that container and take a big whiff.  There is nothing more disgusting than that smell and it will certainly deter you from wanting a cigarette.
REDUCE CAFFEINE - Another strange effect of smoking is that your body can not absorb caffeine the same way a non smoker does.  You can drink much more coffee without your body absorbing the caffeine when you are a smoker.  But when you quit, you will notice immediately that the caffeine absorbs much faster.  This is critical when you are quitting, don't drink the same amount of coffee or sodas, it will make you very jittery and uneasy.  I would not eliminate it completely, but I would recommend reducing your intake to a cup a day or a soda a day.  In most cases your body will tell you it has had enough, just heed the warnings.
ICE CHIPS - When you have a crave, or even before you have a crave, put an ice chip in your mouth and swirl it around.  Be sure to hold it in your gums and cheeks.  This will help when you have a craving.
POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS - The human mind is an incredibly powerful thing.  When you tell it you like smoking everyday, your subconscious starts to believe it, remind you that you love smoking and want a cigarette.  In the same way, you can reprogram your subconscious to not like smoking and in fact convince it that you hate smoking.  As  often as possible repeat out loud "I hate smoking, I am a non smoker, I love my new healthy lifestyle".  In time your mind will convince  your subconscious that this is true.  After all, it is true, you just have to get your mind to believe it. 
VISIT A HOSPITAL - There is nothing more powerful than witnessing the effects of smoking long term in person.  See the devastation this drug has had on people and how it has ruined the lives of so many.  To see the suffering in person, to see the pain that this can cause, will make the minor pangs of withdrawal seem like nothing. 
Good luck on quitting.  You have the power to stop smoking.  You have the desire to stop smoking.  Now just do it, stop smoking now.

Trips of stop smoking

The reason why smoking has become such an issue is because the addictive effects of nicotine lead to various types of cancers, strokes, and heart attacks. As such, everyday is the right time to quit smoking. The main goal of is to assist smokers aspiring to quit smoking and prevent smokers from having the urge to start smoking again. The information on this website is based on evidence from research on stop smoking programs, stop smoking aids and counseling, which are aimed at helping people to quit smoking for good. For smokers, to Stop Smoking is really a tough action to take. Majority of smokers want to quit smoking, but find it difficult to do so as nicotine is very addictive and hard to get rid off.  We will also provide you with a clear understanding of the dangers of smoking and the benefits of quitting smoking.
There are two factors that will determine your success in quitting smoking for good. They are;
  • Will – You must have the desire to give up your habit of smoking and create a strong will to avoid a smoking relapse.
  • Mindset – You must learn about the effects of smoking, understand its consequences and face the fact that you need to stop smoking and follow, finish and maintain a quit smoking plan.
In Six straightforward and easy steps, you can stop smoking and live a normal and healthy life same as that of a non-smoker.

Step 1: Think

According to a recent survey, around 15 million smokers try to quit smoking each day. However, less than 3% of these people stop smoking successfully for 3 to 12 months. If you’re thinking about quitting or have stopped smoking but failed to quit, don’t lose hope because smokers often try to quit more than once before they actually succeed. He will explain the reasons why it is extremely hard to quit smoking, hurdles in quitting and possible nicotine withdrawal symptoms that you may encounter throughout this process.

Step 2: Effects

Years of clinical studies have proven that using Tobacco causes people to become sick, disabled or die. Since the first Surgeon General’s Report in 1964, over 12 million smoking-related deaths have occurred. More than 500,000 deaths in the U.S are caused from smoking-related illnesses. Adult smokers reduce their lifespan by an average of 13 to 14 years. You will also learn how stress could play a role in cigarette smoking. This section also deals with the effects on secondhand smoke, effects of smoking on vitamin A and C, dangerous effects of smoking on men and women, as well as the differences between cigar and pipe smoking.

Step 3: Preparing

The first key to quitting smoking successfully is planning and preparation. You need to prepare your body and mind before actually quitting. Determine your personal goals, discover your reasons for quitting and get rid of temptations that may become a hindrance to your stop smoking program. Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, a drug that is addictive and can make it very hard, but not impossible, to quit. you need to confront your personal reasons to start quitting and understand what you need to do stop smoking. This section also deals with the psychological recovery stages to stop smoking and provides helpful tips to quit smoking.

Step 4: Stop

In this section, you will learn some of the simplest ways and useful tips to quit smoking for good. You can choose from several psychological areas that can help you to stop smoking based on your lifestyle. Even if you have no idea where to start and what to do, you can quit smoking as long as you have the mindset and commitment to do so. Stop smoking tips can help you create a good stop smoking plan and lifestyle changes that could lead to a healthier, smoke-free life.

Step 5: Aids

This section also deals with other useful stop smoking aids such as nicotine nasal sprays, nicotine lozenges, nicotine inhalers, nicotine patches, nicotine gum and stop smoking pills. When smoking cigarettes has played a large part in your life, quitting smoking may not be that simple. Fortunately, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved seven over-the-counter stop smoking aids – five of these help in managing nicotine withdrawal symptoms, while the other two help in reducing cigarette cravings.

Step 6: Stay a Quitter

In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, smokers who quit are at greater risk of relapsing in the first three months of becoming smoke-free. After sometime, some quitters get back to their smoking habit due to temptation and persistent nicotine carving. Some may slip and puff “just one cigarette, while others experience total relapse. This section also tackles steps to manage weight gain, discusses FAQ on common frustrations of a quitter, handle traumatic events without a cigarette and other possible solutions for ex-smokers.

Stop Smoking Products

Some people may find it difficult to quit smoking without any aids, nicotine replacements,  If you’re one of them, you still have hope because there are numerous stop smoking products available in the market today to make quitting an easier journey.To understand what each product can do for your body, the frequently asked questions section about Quit Smoking Products can help you understand and choose an appropriate stop smoking product for your program.

Recommended Quit Smoking Products

The following products are the best quit smoking products available in the market and have been proven to help you stop smoking forever. Do try them out and stay smoke free forever.

Health Risks of Smoking

If you have no plans of quitting today, having knowledge of the different types of illnesses that you may experience through years of smoking may change your perception and lead you to stop smoking. Smoking is one of the main causes of serious health diseases, such as cancer, stroke and heart problems. In this section, you will discover how smoking affects various parts of the body including the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, heart, skin, blood, etc. Here are some possible health effects of smoking:  Lung Cancer, Heart Diseases, High Blood Pressure, Bad Breath,  Gum Disease, Depression, Snoring, Diabetes, Infertility on men and women, Thyroid Disease, Harmful effects on Bones and Joints etc. This section also includes tips for reducing the health risks of smoking like heart attacks and blood pressure as well as dangers involved in breastfeeding while smoking.


How to quit smoking

First Week

I did not smoke during at home in the day , but after a glass of wine I could get through a whole pack., I sometimes smoked 60 cigarettes a week, As I drink every other night. My skin looked dull and I was starting to get tiny wrinkles round my mouth. I knew it was seriously damaging my health. . My first session lasted for 90 minutes. The other six were an hour each.. The idea was that we would all give up together, so that we could support and encourage each other  She told us how the programmed works, the aids available, such as patches and gum, and the quit date, which would be on the third session. We were encouraged not to change our smoking habits before then. Groups are great for people who don’t want to give up alone. If one person is having a side effect, someone else will be going through the same thing. Sometimes some healthy competition goes on, which makes people think twice about letting themselves and others in the group down by having a smoke after the quit date.

Second Week

In week two we were tested for carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas in tobacco smoke, which lowers oxygen in the bloodstream. You take a deep breath, then blow into a tube. Luckily, I had not had a smoke for four days so my count was pretty low. which binds with your red blood cells and prevents oxygen from doing so. This means that you have less oxygen circulating in your system, which can lead to a grey complexion, cold fingers and toes, gangrene and limb amputation. From the moment you put out your last cigarette, your levels of these chemicals begin to return to normal. In 24 to 48 hours, your CO reading will be the same as a non-smoker, and it will stay there unless you have another cigarette.” 

Third Week

The first few days were hard. I felt twitchy and even wanted to have a cigarette at times I normally would not, like first thing in the morning. Just before quit day, I was smoking more than ever, determined to make the most of my freedom! All I could think about was not being able to have a cigarette with a glass of wine after a stressful day at work. I had to drag myself to the session that evening. Outside the building, a few fellow quitters were puffing frantically. At 6.30pm, we went in, armed with our chosen nicotine replacement therapy. I do opted for gum and patches. If you think about them, they last longer. But if you do something else, the cravings will go away. The group leader gave us suggestions on how to do this, but the group soon shared ideas too Then off we all went. But after my first smoke free week, I felt amazing. No guilt, no ashtray mouth and my lungs felt easier. I liked this new me and was determined to keep it up. The gum and the patches really took most of my cravings away. Some people have side effects, such as irritability or disturbed sleep. They only last a maximum of four weeks. After that you will feel so much healthier and fitter.

Fourth Week

I called a friend from the group. She told me I had no need to worry and that I should put it behind me. I really believe the support of the group made all the difference to me quitting. However, after a couple of drinks I lost my willpower left and had a few cigarettes. Having a cigarette after you quit activates the brain’s nicotine pathways, making you want to reach for the next and the next. Next morning, I felt devastated. Desperately. But it’s not the end of the world if you do differently next time that situation arises.

More than Two months

To anyone who wants to quit, I totally recommend using a support group. It’s free, confidential and very, very effective. It’s been a month since I had that relapse. I now feel more in control, healthier, happier and slightly richer, and I love saying no to a cigarette.


Take stps NOW to stop smoking

Eight practical, quick and simple steps you can take straight away to quit smoking. The e kit is packed with practical tools and advice to help you stop smoking, including a tangle to keep hands busy, a wall chart to keep track of your progress, that can help you stop smoking and exercises to improve your willpower. I did not smoke during at home in the day , but after a glass of wine I could get through a whole pack.  Find your nearest participating pharmacy. Would you be willing to be interviewed for a research project about lifestyle changes to reduce heart disease. The first few weeks may be tough, but you can do it. Follow these ten steps to stopping smoking - for good. Make a date and stick to it. Draw up a plan of action, considering what methods are available to you. Drink plenty of fluids - keep a glass of water or juice by you and sip it steadily. Try different flavors. Get more active. Walk instead of using the bus or car, try the stairs instead of the lift. Exercise helps you relax and can boost your morale.  Treat yourself. This is important. If you can, use the money you are saving by not smoking to buy yourself something special, big or small, that you usually would not have. Take one day at a time. Each day without a cigarette is good news for your health, your family and your pocket. Keep busy to help take your mind off cigarettes. Throw away all your ashtrays, lighters and tobacco. Think positively. Withdrawal can be unpleasant, but it is a sign your body is recovering from the effects of tobacco. Irritability, urges to smoke and poor concentration are common - don't worry, they usually disappear after a few of weeks. Change your routine. Try to avoid the shop where you usually buy cigarettes. Perhaps you should avoid the pub or the break room at work if there are lots of smokers around you. One of the most important ways to become a Leader of the Lung Cancer Free World is by reducing your tobacco use. Quitting smoking is hard, we know. Smokers, please consider you'd have spent on cigarettes to lung cancer research. For non-smokers, consider sponsoring a quitter by Contribution  a small amount of money to fight lung cancer every day. You can save the life of somebody you love. Being a smoker is like using crutches for so long that you think the crutches are a part of you and your own legs waste away, but when you stand on you own two feet again, the strength soon returns. When people smoke more than half of what they breathe is fresh air - pulled through the cigarette right down into the lungs. So if you feel any cravings you can instantly overcome them by taking three deep breaths. Whenever you do this you put more oxygen into your bloodstream. This means you can use deep breaths to change the way you feel instantly and give you power over the cravings. Next, think now of all the reasons you don't like smoking, why it's bad and why you want to stop. Write down the key words on a piece of paper. For example, you get short of breath, it's dirty and your clothes smell, your breath smells and it's expensive, inconvenient and so on. Then,  on the other side of the paper. Also the human mind is very sensitive to associations, so it's very important that you have a clear out and remove all cigarettes from your environment. Move some of the furniture in your house and at work. Smokers are accustomed to cigarettes in certain situations. So, for example, if you used to smoke on the telephone at work move the phone to the other side of the desk. Keep going through the memory, as soon as it finishes, go through it again and again, all the time squeezing your thumb and finger together. That's right, see what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel how good you felt. Pictures  big and bright, sounds loud and crisp and feelings strong. We are making an associational link between the squeeze of your fingers and that good feeling. Okay, stop and relax. Now if you have done that correctly when you squeeze your thumb and finger together you should feel that good feeling again. Go ahead do that now, squeeze thumb and finger, and remember that good feeling. Next I'd like you to squeeze your thumb and finger together, get that good feeling going and now imagine being in several situations where you would have smoked, but being there feeling great without a cigarette. See what you'll see hear and take that good feeling into those situations without a need for a cigarette.


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